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Izadi Crianza, RIoja

(Code: V11000121)
10.50 €
(Sold in packs of 3)
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D. Or Rioja. It represents the tipicidad of the triangle Villabuena, Samaniego and Ábalos of where proceed his grapes, aunando balance, personality and a style very definidio. 

According to Wine & Spirits,  the prestigious North American magazine has included to Izadi like ones of the 100 better cellars of the year, consolidating it as one of the Spanish referents for the American market.
The Guide Peñín 2013 has stood out to Izadi Crianza with 5 crash relation quality price, at the same time that it has marked him with 90/100 points. 
Izadi Crianza, no only the wine with main punctuation inside the Rioja, but it situates in command of all the denominations of origin. 

To elaborate it have used grapes 100% Tempranillo. Of viñedos old with a half age of 45 years. The crianza is of 16 months in barricas of American oak and French.

Segun The Guide Peñín "colour cherry very intense. Aroma to mature fruit, expression frutal, oak cremoso, cacao fine. In mouth is sabroso, frutoso, fresco, especiado and with taninos mature"

Has a graduation of  13 .5 %Vol. Serve to 18ºC

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