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Monte Enebro : 1,2 Kg

(Code: Q0002506)
Discontinued Product

Medal of Gold World Cheese Award 2009

The Mountain Enebro is a cheese of soft paste with the skin rusted, elaborated with milk pasteurised of goat of flawless bacteriological quality.

Distinguishes by his inusitada cremosidad, by the pure and delicate flavour to milk of goat, as well as by a subtle acidity. The spotless whiteness of the paste contrasts with the skin recubierta of blue mold, the designated penicillium roqueforti, typical of the interior of the blue cheeses. His format, known like ?leg of mule?, is tubular, lengthened and cylindrical.

One of the most known cheeses and recognised of the world, by the good acceptance of all the lovers of the cheese and by the quotations obtained in national and international contests.

Origin: Ávila

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