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Torta del casar Tiana big : 900 gr

(Code: Q0000142)
Discontinued Product

Origin: Cáceres, Extremadura
Elaborated with raw milk of sheep
Cheese of preparation artesanal, of Cáceres (Extremadura). It is elaborated with raw milk of sheep and a maduration of 3 weeks. It is of soft paste and smooth skin and cerosa. It has the peculariedad to be a torta. His mass semilíquida strength the walls of the cheese ocasionándole his inconfundibles cracks. By them, it will surface a slight smell to fermented. Yellow colour marfileño.

Has to conserve always in frigorífico wrapped in film or paper of aluminium. In any case it suits to consume it quickly as it loses cremosidad and over time develops Strong and spicy flavours. The Strong smell, pestilente, to ammonia is symptom to be long conserved in plastic (without breath) and already is happened. If it has something of white mold and/or green-bluish in the skin, clean with a cloth as it does not affect for nothing to the cheese.

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